Alt Code For Mathematical Symbols [Keyboard Shortcut]

Alt Code for Mathematical Symbols is very necessary for our academic life as well as our online life.

we need mathematical symbols for writing paragraphs, mathematical questions & answers, blogs, presentations, and many of our academic subjects related to mathematics.

In MS Word, we can use the built-in function for mathematical symbols. But, on other platforms, there is no way to use mathematical symbols without copying them.

Today, in this blog, we will make a list of Alt Code for Mathematical Symbols to help you write Mathematical Symbols in every place you want.

Alt Code for Mathematical Symbols

NameSymbolAlt Code
Plus+Alt + 43
MinusAlt + 45
Multiplication ×Alt + 0215
Division÷Alt + 0247
Fraction /Alt + 47
Plus or Minus±Alt + 241
Square RootAlt + 251
To the power 1¹Alt + 0185
Square²Alt + 0178
Cube³Alt + 0179
To the power nAlt + 252
Percentage %Alt + 37
Half½Alt + 0189
Quarter¼Alt + 0188
Three quarters¾Alt + 0190
Decimal .Alt + 46
Greater than or equalAlt + 242
Less than or equalAlt + 243
Approximately equalAlt + 247
Exactly IdenticalAlt + 240
PiπAlt + 227
Degree°Alt + 248
Micro (mu)µAlt + 230
InfinityAlt + 236
SumΣAlt + 228
Copyright©Alt + 0169
AlphaαAlt + 224
BitaßAlt + 225
GammaΓAlt + 226
ThetaΘAlt + 233
Deltaδ Alt + 235
Tauτ Alt + 231
SigmaσAlt + 229
Element ofεAlt + 238
Alt Code for Mathematical Symbols
Alt Code For Mathematical Symbols

Alt Code for Greek Letters

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